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         First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of stress system and for what purposes, you need: the one that will determine the depression of the ST interval according to tables and secondary indicators, or the one on which you can install a program for determining the state of the myocardium. Or you just choose a separate version. The parameters of the first one can be described to the company itself (or offer the company to familiarize itself with the requirements for it on this site), as for the other, its production has not yet been mastered. On an individual order, it may well be manufactured by firms in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Japan and Korea.

       The technical requirements for the stress system II, on which the entire program can be installed completely with all the stands, are specific and can only be transferred to the company by a separate contract. Although the requirements for it are quite simple:

1. The stress system must have an interface - a dialog box for introducing programs and formulas.

2. Have the language of the doctor's dialogue with the system, which is selected or created by the company itself.

3. To determine the biological age of the myocardium, taking drugs, doping, potent substances and evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic drugs, the stress system must also have a statistical processing package (preferably at the level of "Statistica" or "SPSS Statistics").

4. There should also be all means of controlling the form of ECG output and graphs and means of color cosmetics of curves - the choice of the layout of graphs and their colors.

     In all cases, it is possible to provide author's support with consultations to the company that will start manufacturing such a c-system or to an individual when using stands and when manufacturing a generation II stress system.

      All data of all surveys on the stress system (or all stress systems of the same network) are stored in the database of each c-system in the form of multidimensional files. The parameters of which (passport, anamnestic, anthropometric, clinical, biochemistry, laboratory, genetics and other examinations) are determined either by the chosen, common to all, examination standard (as well as the bicycle test protocol), but, of course, partially by the doctor himself. The statistical package for processing biomedical data allows you to conduct selected statistical studies in the archive of the stress system.